Cleaning of historical installations

What can we do for you?

Historic installations, such as old machinery, industrial heritage sites and technical installations in listed buildings, require careful and damage-free cleaning. Contamination from dust, rust, oil, paint residue and corrosion can affect the function and appearance of these installations. Traditional cleaning methods, such as scouring or chemical treatments, can cause irreparable damage to delicate materials and surfaces.

Dry ice blasting offers a safe, non-abrasive and environmentally friendly cleaning method that effectively removes dirt and deposits without affecting the original finish. This ensures that historic installations are preserved without risk of wear and tear or erosion.

  • Removes rust, oil and old paint residues: Restores the original appearance without damaging the underlying structure.
  • Careful cleaning of antique machinery and mechanical systems: Removes dirt without affecting moving parts or gears.
  • Maintenance of steam engines, gear systems and metal structures: Extends service life without damage to delicate components.
  • Cleaning electrical panels and old switchboards: Ensures safe operation without risk of short circuits.
  • Restoration of metal and wood components: Prevents corrosion and preserves the authentic look of the installation.

Some advantages:

  • Non-abrasive method: No damage to fragile and historic surfaces.
  • No water or chemicals required: Prevents moisture problems and chemical reactions with old materials.
  • Preservation of original finish: Provides an authentic look without losing historical value.
  • Environmentally friendly and sustainable: No harmful emissions or waste products.
  • Quick and efficient cleaning: Minimizes restoration time and increases plant life.

Flancco offers an innovative and sustainable solution for the cleaning and preservation of historical installations. Our dry ice blasting technology ensures safe and effective cleaning without risk of damage, preserving valuable industrial and technical heritage pieces. Contact us for a customized cleaning solution to suit your restoration project!