Flancco specializes in cleaning plants, switchboards and electronics. For this, we mainly use dry ice jets.

Want to know more about the benefits of dry ice blasting?

Choosing a company specializing in dry ice blasting means choosing Flancco of Beervelde, our professional blasting company. Our experienced specialists use advanced techniques to clean any kind of equipment efficiently and safely, keeping your business running without long interruptions.

Why employ our company for dry ice blasting?

Using a professional blasting company to get started with dry ice blasting guarantees not only a thorough cleaning, but also an environmentally friendly approach. Our technique is suitable for a variety of applications and delivers exceptional results without causing damage to your equipment. This process is non-abrasive, leaves no residue and can save significant time and costs. It is important to regularly clean your machines, control cabinets and other electronic devices to extend their life and reliability. Control cabinets in particular are susceptible to dust, dirt and moisture, which can affect their operation.

Why employ our company for dry ice blasting?

Does your business need professional cleaning? Contact Flancco, the blasting company that guarantees top quality dry ice blasting. Inquire about a free quote and find out how we can make your equipment like new again. Let our team help your business with efficient, environmentally friendly and cost-effective dry ice blasting.

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